Registry for Asthma Characterization and Recruitment 2
Registry for Asthma Characterization and Recruitment 2 for children 6-17 years with asthma - English and Spanish
Sponsor: NIH - NIAID - DAIT
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 5 Years
Clinic Visits: 2
IRB Number: AAAO7557
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02513264
Contact: Marcela Pierce: 2123056270 /
Additional Study Information: Asthma registry to maintain and expand a database of participants with asthma who may be able to participate in future Inner City Asthma Consortium studies.
This study is closed
Meyer Kattan, MD
Do You Qualify?
Has a doctor diagnosed your child with asthma? Yes No
Is the patient 6-17 years old? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Marcela Pierce