Glutamatergic Modulation to Facilitate the Behavioral Treatment of Cocaine Use Disorders
Medication-Assisted Therapeutic Treatment Research for Cocaine Use
Sponsor: NIDA
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 12 Weeks
IRB Number: 7461-C
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT03344419
Contact: HOPE Clinic: 646-854-9395 /
Additional Study Information: This 12-week free and confidential outpatient study is recruiting healthy adults who are currently seeking treatment for cocaine use. Participants will engage in twice-weekly clinic visits during which they will have mindfulness-based therapy sessions, meet with a physician, and complete measures with research assistants. Participants will also receive innovative investigational medications twice throughout this trial (Weeks 1 and 5) to help facilitate their engagement in treatment. Upon completion of the study, participants will be referred to appropriate community providers to ensure that they have the necessary means to continue their progress.
This study is closed
Elias Dakwar, MD
Do You Qualify?
Is using cocaine a problem for you? Yes No
Are you seeking treatment for your cocaine use? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
HOPE Clinic