Relationships of Depression and Cognitive Impairment with Hearing Loss and its Remediation in Older Adults
Study exploring mental health in patients with hearing loss
Sponsor: Columbia University
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 1 Years
Clinic Visits: 5
IRB Number: 7406
Contact: Maleeha Naqvi: 646-774-8664 /
Additional Study Information: Cognitive decline is highly prevalent in individuals with hearing impairment. Hearing deficits have been implicated with a decreased performance on various cognitive tests, but it is unclear whether this is associated with severe cognitive decline or dementia. In this study, we hope to better characterize theassociation between hearing impairment, depression, and major cognitive decline or dementia. We will also be looking at how hearing loss may affect an individuals clinical response to an antidepressant.
This study is closed
Ana Kim, MD
Do You Qualify?
Do you suffer from hearing loss? Yes No
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For more information, please contact:
Maleeha Naqvi