Department Of Nursing
Meghan Reading Turchioe, PhD, MPH, RN
Meghan Reading Turchioe’s program of research focuses on developing and implementing digital health technologies including mobile applications, wearable devices, and telehealth to support patient and clinician decision-making around chronic condition management, particularly cardiovascular diseases. Turchioe earned a PhD in nursing from Columbia University, MPH from George Washington University, and BSN from Boston College. She completed a postdoc in Health Informatics at Weill Cornell Medicine, where she also worked as an Instructor.

Her research is motivated by her experience as a cardiac nurse caring for a diverse patient population with multiple chronic conditions in New York City. A major focus of her work involves leveraging methods from data visualization, human factors, implementation science, and machine learning to generate insights from patient-generated health data and electronic health records and ultimately supporting patient decision-making. Turchioe’s research is supported by multiple grants from NIH and industry. In 2019, she received the Dissertation Research Award, and in 2022 the Early Career Alumni Award, from Columbia University School of Nursing. She was recently named an Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI) emerging leader. Turchioe serves on several committees through the American Heart Association (AHA) and American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), including the AHA National Atrial Fibrillation Systems of Care Advisory Group Commission.

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