Combined Wake Therapy, Light Therapy, and Lithium for Bipolar Depression
Wake Therapy and Lithium for the Treatment of Bipolar Depression
Sponsor: Unfunded
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 2 Months
Clinic Visits: 14
IRB Number: 7316R
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT01431573
Contact: Peter Arden: 646-774-8004 /
Additional Study Information: Both refractory depression and bipolar depression are difficult to treat. A night of complete sleep deprivation has been shown to result in marked improvement in 60% of depressed patients, although maintenance of therapeutic effects have not been sustained with wake therapy alone. This pilot study will assess the effectiveness of wake therapy in treating both bipolar depression (5 participants)and major depression (5 participants), as well as the effectiveness of concomitant light therapy and lithium in maintaining the therapeutic effects. Participants will undergo direct observation in the hospital for one week during initial treatment with alternating nights of sleep deprivation, light therapy and lithium treatment, and then will be seen weekly as outpatients for 6 weeks.
This study is closed
Jonathan Stewart, MD
Do You Qualify?
Are you currently expiriencing symptoms of depression (loss of interests, excessive low mood, etc.)? Yes No
Have you expirienced significant negative effects from Lithium treatment in the past? Yes No
Are you addicted to alcohol or any other drugs (other than caffeine or nicotine)? Yes No
Will you be in the New York City area for most of the next two months? Yes No
Are you currently pregnant or do you plan on becoming pregnant in the next two months? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Peter Arden