Early Feasibility Study of the Edwards FORMA Tricuspid Transcatheter Repair System
Edward Forma
Sponsor: Edwards Lifesciences
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAP3550
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02471807
Contact: Kate Dalton: 347-514-3366 / keb2114@cumc.columbia.edu
Additional Study Information: Tricuspid Regurgitation is a disorder in which the Tricuspid valve, the valve in between the two right chambers that does not close properly. As a result, blood flows backward through the Tricuspid valve. The Edwards Tricuspid Transcatheter Repair System includes an artificial device, made to serve as a spacer to treat the diseased tricuspid heart valve.
This study is closed
Susheel Kodali, MD
Do You Qualify?
Have you been diagnosed with Tricuspid regurgitation ? Yes No
Are youat high surgical risk for tricuspid valve repair or replacement Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Kate Dalton