Program for Overweight Education and Reduction (POWER)
Program for Overweight Education and Reduction (POWER)
Sponsor: Investigator Initiated Study
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAC9684
Contact: Anna Sonnett Fisher: 212-305-1518 /
Additional Study Information: We are doing this research study to find out what happens to children who are overweight and how the things we recommend as a part of routine clinical care affect your child. The purpose of this study is to understand what happens to children as a result of being overweight, to link these outcomes to specific clinical measures, and to determine how treatment affects the physical and clinical features of overweight or obesity. To achieve this aim we want to formalize our ongoing clinical chart review into a database for our patients.
Ilene Fennoy, MD
Do You Qualify?
Is your child overweight? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Anna Sonnett Fisher