Pre-Surgical Window of opportunity trial of the Combination of Metformin and Atorvastatin in Newly Diagnosed Operable Breast Cancer
Pre-Surgical Trial of Sombination of Combination of Metformin and Atovastatin in Newly Diagnosed Operable Breast Cancer
Sponsor: Breast Cancer Research Foundation Grant
Enrolling: Female Patients Only
IRB Number: AAAM2306
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT01980823
Contact: Kevin Kalinsky, MD, MS: 212-305-0170 /
Additional Study Information: The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of combining metformin and atorvastatin treatment in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer during the interval between breast biopsy and surgery. Metformin is a common treatment for patients with diabetes, and atorvastatin is a common therapy for elevated cholesterol. We will examine the effects of the combination of metformin plus atorvastatin on changes in breast tumor tissue as well as various blood levels, including insulin and cholesterol levels. The combination of metformin and atorvastin is an experimental treatment for your condition.
This study is closed
Kevin Kalinsky, MD, MS
Do You Qualify?
Have you been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer? Yes No
Have you had chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or breast resection in the last 6 months? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Kevin Kalinsky, MD, MS