Topiramate as a disease altering therapy for Cryptogenic Sensory Peripheral Neuropathy (CSPN)
Top-CSPN Study
Sponsor: NINDS
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 96 Weeks
Clinic Visits: 9
IRB Number: AAAR3453
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02878798
Contact: Thomas Brannagan, III, MD: 212-305-0405 /
Additional Study Information: This study is looking at using topiramate as a potential therapy for patients with cryptogenic sensory peripheral neuropathy. Patients who are randomized into the study will return to the clinic for follow up every 16 weeks. The total length of the study is 96 weeks.
This study is closed
Thomas Brannagan, MD
Do You Qualify?
Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy? Yes No
Do you have diabetes? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Thomas Brannagan, III, MD