The Influence of Light Pollution and Light-at-Night on the Circadian Clock (1)
Light Pollution Study
Sponsor: NIEHS
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAR7297
Contact: Susan Tsui: 856-677-8782 /
Additional Study Information: How does the light we experience in day-to-day life affect our body clock? Interested in joining a new project to help scientists at Columbia University understand how light pollution and light-at-night affects our body clock? You or your child may be eligible to participate. The study involves wearing a small light sensor on a lanyard and a temperature sensor in a wristband for one week in the summer, fall, winter and spring. You will also be asked to fill out a daily questionnaire during those weeks. $30/week compensation or $120 in total for participation.
This study is closed
Micaela Martinez, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Do you live in Northern Manhattan (East Harlem, Central Harlem, Washington Heights, Inwood)? Or, do you live in the Bronx? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Susan Tsui