A Phase 2 Clinical Trial of Intranasal Oxytocin for Frontotemporal Dementia (FOXY)
Sponsor: |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
6 Months |
Clinic Visits: |
5 |
IRB Number: |
AAAR7205 |
U.S. Govt. ID: |
NCT03260920 |
Contact: |
Colin Stein: 212-304-7943 / cs4125@cumc.columbia.edu |
Columbia Medical Center is recruiting for a study to test whether the drug oxytocin can improve symptoms of emotion and behavior (e.g. apathy) in people with frontotemporal dementia. The study will last for up to 24 weeks (6 months). This is a crossover study, which means that each participant will receive both oxytocin and placebo (medically inactive substance). Over the course of three months, the participant will come in five times with a study partner, who may be a family member or friend, for medical, behavioral and cognitive assessment. There will be a blood draw at each visit, and an optional lumbar puncture (spinal tap) at two visits. Each visit will last 3-5 hours. Participation and transportation costs will be reimbursed.
This study is closed
Edward Huey, MD
Do you currently have a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) (including bvFTD, Semantic Dementia, and PPA)? |
Yes |
No |
Is there a person you are close with who can accompany you to visits? |
Yes |
No |
Do you have symptoms such as decreased motivation or emotional connectivity? |
Yes |
No |