Phase II/III Biomarker-Driven Master Protocol for Second Line Therapy of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer
Biomarker-Driven Study for Second Line Therapy of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer (Lung-MAP)
Sponsor: Southwest Oncology Group
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAO0305
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02154490
Contact: Naiyer Rizvi, MD: 212-305-5098 /
Additional Study Information: The purpose of this study screening step is to perform genetic tests on your tumor sample for certain features that investigational targeted agents used in this study are specifically designed to work against. Then the purpose is to assign you to a treatment sub-study that is chosen based on the results (genes and proteins called biomarkers) of this genetic testing on your tumor sample. This study related research test will be done in a special lab. The system of assigning a treatment sub-study based on genetic testing of cancer is investigational; in squamous cell lung cancer patients, we don't know whether testing can identify patients who will or will not benefit from treatment. The purpose of the treatment part of this study is to compare the effects, good and bad, of these investigational agents to the usual approach to treating your type of cancer.
This study is closed
Do You Qualify?
Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes No
Have you been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma cancer of the lung? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Naiyer Rizvi, MD