Adipose Inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Control Arm)
Sponsor: |
The National Institutes of Health NIH |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
4 Months |
Clinic Visits: |
2 |
IRB Number: |
AAAQ9289 |
Contact: |
Christopher Depender: 212-305-4114 / |
We are inviting patients without autoimmune disorders to help us compare to rheumatoid arthritis patients with inflammation in soft tissues. With a combination of blood work, a full-body FDG PET-CT scan, questionnaires, and a soft tissue biopsy (from an area around the belly button), we hope to see how tissue inflammation interacts with these multiple areas of physiology. A second visit four months later would be the same, except for the FDG PET-CT scan - these visits typically take up to 5 hours to complete.
This study is closed
Jon Giles, MD
Have you been diagnosed with any autoimmune disease? |
Yes |
No |
Are you currently taking aspirin regularly? |
Yes |
No |
Have you ever had significant cancer history requiring treatment? |
Yes |
No |
Have you had any significant cardiac events or procedures? (i.e CABG, PCIs, heart attack, pacemakers) |
Yes |
No |