Study of biological aging in older HIV-infected African Americans (SoBA)
Study of Biological Aging Among African Americans (Healthy Volunteers)
Sponsor: NIH
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Clinic Visits: 1
IRB Number: AAAR3859
Contact: Anyelina Cantos: 646-856-1648 /
Additional Study Information: We are seeking healthy volunteers (HIV-negative) for a study seeing if HIV is associated with faster biological aging among older African American adults, whether faster biological age is related to health conditions that typically occur in older people and whether these conditions might be due to stress or over-activity of certain parts of the immune system. The study involves one in-person visit and takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. We administer a questionnaire (on demographics, lifestyle, and health), cognitive assessments, basic body measurements, and perform a blood draw. We compensate $50 for your time and travel.
This study is closed
Stephen Arpadi, MD, MS
Do You Qualify?
Do you identify as African American? Yes No
Are you aged 60 years or older? Yes No
Have you had an HIV test in the past AND came back HIV-negative? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Anyelina Cantos