Apathy in Alzheimer's Disease: Investigation of the Interaction between Proline and COMT for Treatment Targeting to Positively Impact Quality of Life
Understanding the Causes of Apathy in Alzheimer's Disease (Male subjects)
Sponsor: NA
Enrolling: Male Patients Only
Clinic Visits: 1
IRB Number: AAAS0071
Contact: Catherine Clelland, PhD: 212-304-7722 / cc2786@cumc.columbia.edu
Additional Study Information: Apathy is a very common symptom experienced by people with Alzheimer's disease, and includes a lack of motivation and loss of interest in many activities. Patients and their caregivers often find apathy to be particularly distressing. This study aims to obtain a greater understanding of the causes of apathy in Alzheimer's disease. We are currently enrolling male and female participants (ages 50 years and older) with Alzheimer's disease. Enrolled participants will undergo a brief interview about their health status with our research assistant. This study will involve a single visit for a total of 30 minutes.
Catherine Clelland, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Do you (or your loved one who you care for) have Alzheimer's Disease? Yes No
Are you (or your loved one who you care for) a male 50 years old or older? Yes No
Will you allow us to contact your healthcare provider to obtain information on your (or your loved one's) Alzheimer's disease? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Catherine Clelland, PhD