Stress, Coping, and Blood Pressure Reactivity in Sexual Minorities
Stress, Coping, and Blood Pressure Reactivity in Sexual Minorities
Sponsor: Internal grant from Columbia University School of Nursing
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 7 Days
Clinic Visits: 2
IRB Number: AAAS2311
Contact: Billy Caceres: 212-342-0689 /
Additional Study Information: This goal of this study is to learn more about how stress and coping might be associated with blood pressure in lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. If you are deemed eligible, first you will be scheduled for a telephone or video conference interview with a member from the study team, which may take up to 1.5 hours. For the interview, you may be asked to discuss a variety of topics related to your life experiences, mental health, and other health concerns. For the second part, you will be asked to schedule a 30 minute in-person appointment at the Columbia University School of Nursing at a later date. We will measure your blood pressure, height, weight, waist, and hips. You will be fit with an ambulatory blood pressure monitor that you will be asked to for a period of 24 hours and a wrist watch to measure your sleep patterns for 1week. For the third part, you will schedule another 30-minutes appointment, approximately a week later, to return the study materials. Participants will be able to obtain up to $100 compensation for completing all study procedures.
This study is closed
Billy Caceres, PhD, RN
Do You Qualify?
Do you identify as a lesbian, gay, or bisexual? Yes No
Are you between the ages of 25 and 50? Yes No
Have you been diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure by a health care provider? Yes No
Have you ever been diagnosed with sleep apnea? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Billy Caceres