Organization of Memory Processes in the Human Brain (Shock)
"Does This Item Belong?" - Study in Adult Healthy Volunteers of How We Use and Update Knowledge
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 2 Days
Clinic Visits: 2
IRB Number: AAAS9402
Contact: John Thorp: /
Additional Study Information: The Davachi Lab is currently running research studies to investigate information processing. These behavioral studies may involve looking at neutral images on a computer screen (such as objects, faces, or scenes) and/or listening to neutral auditory sounds (such as natural ambiance or artificial tones), and making judgments about them. In this study, electrical pulses may be intermittently delivered to your right wrist, the intensity of which are set by you, the participant. The pulses are meant to be annoying, and something you would anticipate receiving, but not painful. Skin conductance response (SCR), will be measured by placing electrodes on your hand. Skin conductance measures a change in the electrical conductivity of the skin due to autonomic nervous system arousal. SCR measurement is non-invasive and causes no risk or discomfort. Taking part in this study will involve 1-4 hours of your time and will consist of 1-3 sessions over multiple days. Your time will be compensated with $12 or $15/hour. To participate, you must be at least 18 years old, be right-handed, have normal or corrected-to-normal vision, have normal color vision, be a native English speaker, and not be taking psychoactive medications (e.g., anxiolytics or anti-depressants). Please contact for more information. The Principal Investigator of the lab is Dr. Lila Davachi, and this study is conducted in the Department of Psychology in Schermerhorn Hall.
Lila Davachi, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Do you have normal or corrected to normal vision? Yes No
Do you have normal or corrected to normal hearing? Yes No
Are you a native English speaker? Yes No
Do you have a history or current diagnosis of a primary psychiatric disorder? Yes No
Are you currently on any psychoactive medications? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
John Thorp