Discovery Diabetes RCT (Nutrition)
Investigating Problem Solving in Health Management
Sponsor: Investigator Fund
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 1 Days
Clinic Visits: 1
IRB Number: AAAM0057
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02021591
Contact: Pooja Desai: 617-447-0458 /
Additional Study Information: We are conducting an academic study to understand how people solve problems related to health. In the study, participants will be presented with a hypothetical problem related to diabetes self-management and asked to use an online health application to explore information and propose a solution. We invite all participants between 18 and 65 years old, who are proficient in English and have a device with internet access. No knowledge of diabetes and its self-management or personal experience managing diabetes is needed to participate in this study. In order to receive credit, participants will use the link below to sign up for a 90-minute research session on Zoom. During this session, participants will complete a questionnaire about their health experience, complete a problem-solving task using the online application, and engage in discussion with the moderator. Participants will receive a $30 gift card upon completion of the research session. Participants will also be invited to take part in an interview upon completion of the study tasks. The interview will last 30-45 minutes and will be conducted over phone, zoom, or other conferencing software. Participants will receive a $20 gift card upon completion of the interview. All together, Participants can earn up to $50 for taking part in the study. There are no major risks to participating in this study. Please know that the research team will keep all of your personal data private and secure. Your information will be completely de-identified and will not be seen or shared with anyone outside of the research team.
This study is closed
Lena Mamykina, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Are you between 18 and 65 years of age? Yes No
Do you speak English fluently? Yes No
Do you have access to a computer and the internet? Yes No
Do you have any known cognitive impairments? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

Place Holder

For more information, please contact:
Pooja Desai