Nocturnal Hypertension and Sleep
Sponsor: |
NIH - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
8 Weeks |
Clinic Visits: |
4 |
IRB Number: |
AAAT8157 |
U.S. Govt. ID: |
NCT05062161 |
Contact: |
Sleep BP Study Team: 646-413-3667 / |
The Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health (CBCH) is conducting a research study to examine the impact that sleep hours have on blood pressure (BP) levels during sleep. Two-part screening to determine eligibility for this study involves a) answering questionnaires and b) documenting daily average sleep duration (how long you sleep) over the course of a 2-week period. Participation in the research study involves 1-4 study visits, wearing a Fitbit activity monitoring device for an additional 8-weeks, wearing a blood pressure measurement device and a heart monitoring patch device for 2 separate 24-hour periods, attending a 1-hour education session concerning sleep, receiving weekly phone calls and completing questionnaires. Inclusion criteria includes the following: English-speaking adults, age 18 or older, and average sleep duration of less than 7 hours per night as assessed via daily self-report of sleep hours. Qualified individuals who complete the 2-week screening assessment are eligible for $25 in compensation. Individuals may be deemed ineligible after 1 week of the screening if they no longer qualify for the study and will receive no compensation. Enrolled subjects who complete all research activity are eligible for up to $225 in compensation. All payments are provided via a TruCentive e-gift card. The link to review the screening consent form and complete the screening questionnaire is:
This study is closed
Marwah Abdalla, MD
Are you over the age of 18 years old? |
Yes |
No |
Are you currently pregnant? |
Yes |
No |
Do you speak and read English? |
Yes |
No |
Do you typically sleep less than 7 hours per night? |
Yes |
No |