Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Adults with Cerebral Palsy
Sponsor: NA
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 1 Days
Clinic Visits: 1
IRB Number: AAAT0017
Contact: Lauren Winterbottom, OTRL: 212-305-6722 /
Additional Study Information: We are looking for adults with cerebral palsy who are 18 and over for ultrasound study of nerves at the wrist. We are assessing the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in adults with cerebral palsy. The study will involve a survey to describe their medical history, procedures (especially of the arms), use of adaptive equipment (such as walkers, wheelchairs), and hand positioning, a brief physical exam to assess hand movement, and positioning, and an ultrasound to assess the nerves of the wrists. The total study will be about 30 minutes to 1 hour. There are minimal risks to the study besides any mild discomfort that may occur during routine physical exam. Benefits include further knowledge of carpal tunnel symptoms in both the adult and potentially the cerebral palsy population as whole. We hope that by assessing carpal tunnel syndrome further, we can provide improved management of pain in those with cerebral palsy.
This study is closed
Joel Stein, MD
Do You Qualify?
Are you an adult (age 18+) with cerebral palsy? Yes No
Are you able to answer questions about your body and how you're feeling? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Lauren Winterbottom, OTRL