Genetics of Donor Iron Deficient Study
Blood Donor Study for Adult Males of African, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Mediterranean Descent
Sponsor: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Enrolling: Male Patients Only
IRB Number: AAAS5511
Contact: Yona Feit: 212-342-5648 /
Additional Study Information: This is a Blood Donor Study being conducted at Columbia University Irving Medical Center New YorkPresbyterian Hospital. We are interested in recruiting males between the ages of 18-65 who are of African, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Mediterranean descent. The purpose of this research study is to determine whether genetic factors in your DNA affect the quality of red blood cells for transfusion. Furthermore, we are interested in determining how you were affected by COVID-19 and determining whether antibodies to coronaviruses that may have been present during your initial screening visit impact your outcome. For this study, we will collect blood from your arm to use for genetic studies of your DNA and for COVID-19 testing. This study visit is expected to take no more than 15 minutes. If you take part in this study, you will receive a monetary incentive and may qualify for future studies. Your participation in this study is voluntary and will not provide any direct benefit to you. Whether or not you participate in this study will have no effect on your relationship with Columbia University Irving Medical Center - New York Presbyterian Hospital as a patient. If you are interested in learning more, please respond to this RecruitMe or call at (212) 342-5648. Thank you for your time and consideration. We hope to hear from you.
Richard Francis, MD, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Are you between the ages of 18-65? Yes No
Are you a male of African, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Mediterranean descent? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Yona Feit