LONG-CALM study (Long COVID-19 Alleviation through Learning Mindfulness)
Sponsor: |
Unfunded |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
6 Months |
IRB Number: |
AAAT0564 |
Contact: |
Deborah A. Theodore: 212-305-8739 / dat2132@cumc.columbia.edu |
This is a study for people with symptoms of long COVID. We are looking for people over the age of 18 who are interested in participating in a study to understand whether a mindfulness meditation intervention can help improve symptoms of long COVID. Study participation lasts 6 months and is fully remote.
Deborah Theodore, MD
Are you at least 18 years old? |
Yes |
No |
Have you had COVID-19? |
Yes |
No |
Are you currently having symptoms that developed during or after COVID-19 and continued for at least 12 weeks? |
Yes |
No |
Do you have access to the internet through a smart phone or web browser to access study surveys and mindfulness recordings? |
Yes |
No |