A Caregiver Training Program to Enhance COVID-19 Patient Readiness
A Caregiver Training Program to Enhance COVID-19 Patient Readiness
Sponsor: NA
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAU0528
Contact: Hannah Patterson: 973-738-4613 / hat2122@cumc.columbia.edu
Additional Study Information: We are seeking caregivers like you, caregiving for people who have had COVID-19 and are still experiencing symptoms, to participate in a research study titled A Caregiver Training Program to enhance COVID-19 Patient Readiness. The training program is designed to give you tools to reduce caregiver burden and stress levels. Caregivers must meet the following criteria: (1) must be caring for a person with COVID-19 who is still experiencing symptoms: (2) must be over 18 years of age. Participation in this study involves no risk and your privacy will be kept confidential. Participation will require a meeting for 45 minutes twice a week for 2 weeks If you are interested in participating in this study and meet the above criteria, please contact us.
This study is closed
Lenin Grajo, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Are you caring for a person with COVID-19 who is still experiencing symptoms? Yes No
Are you over the age of 18? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Hannah Patterson