Discovery and Validation of Genetic Variants Affecting Microglial Activation in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) with 11C-ER176 (Healthy Volunteers)
Genetic Variants of Microglial Activation in AD (Healthy Volunteers)
Sponsor: NIH
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Clinic Visits: 3
IRB Number: AAAT2774
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT04840979
Contact: Catriona Calvo-Studdy: 212-305-3840 /
Additional Study Information: The purpose of this study is to determine whether different genes are related to the amount of immune cell activity that occurs in the brain in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Participation in this study involves memory testing, a blood draw, MRI, and three PET scans. The second PET scan will involve putting a catheter in your wrist to draw blood during the scan. You will be compensated $700. After one year or so, we will invite you back to repeat some tests.
William Kreisl, MD
Do You Qualify?
Are you a healthy volunteer? Yes No
Are you able to get a MRI or PET scan? Yes No
Do you have written and oral fluency in English? Yes No
Are you 50 years of age or older? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Catriona Calvo-Studdy