Recruitment and Retention for Alzheimers Disease Diversity Cohorts in the ADSP (DAWN Study)
The Dawn Study - Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease
Sponsor: National Institute on Aging
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 1 Days
Clinic Visits: 1
IRB Number: AAAU1637
Contact: Jose Saint Hilaire Vargas: 646-317-9317 /
Additional Study Information: This study aims to find genes that cause Alzheimer's Disease in African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos. Participants are eligible if African American or Hispanic/Latino and 60 years of age or older. Study participation would entail completing a memory assessment, having their blood drawn, and a brief physical exam with a questionnaire. Compensation of $50 will be provided, if unable to come to Columbia University Irving Medical Center, home visits are also available. Participants can live anywhere in the US. More information at
Giuseppe Tosto, MD PhD
Do You Qualify?
Are you Hispanic/Latino or African American? Yes No
Are you 60 years of age or older? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Jose Saint Hilaire Vargas