Respiratory Viral Transmission Network- SHEPheRD
Understanding How Flu Passes Among People in the Same House
Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAU8945
Contact: Celibell Vargas: 646-877-5627 /
Additional Study Information: We are seeking volunteers who have been recently diagnosed with influenza virus infection by either rapid diagnostic assay or RT-PCR in the last 7 days, and live in a household with at least one other person. The study, also known as RVTN Flu will be looking at household transmission of influenza. Once someone and their household contacts are enrolled, they will be followed for 7 consecutive days to identify new virus infections among household members. Follow-up will include interviews/questionnaires, daily data collection from all participating household members for 7 days, daily self-collected nasal swabs from all participating household members, remote video/telephone visits during the follow-up period, and a survey 4 weeks after enrollment. All study visits will be remote ie no one has to come to the medical center. Households will be compensated up to $250.
This study is closed
Melissa Stockwell, MD, MPH
Do You Qualify?
Have you had a lab or home test confirming influenza infection within the last 5 days? Yes No
Do you live in a household with at least one other person? Yes No
Have you been hospitalized for your illness? Yes No
Has any other member of your household had an acute respiratory illness or tested positive for flu in the past 7 days? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Celibell Vargas