Live-Viral Vaccination after Pediatric Liver Transplantation: An Observational Study (Peds)
Live-Viral Vaccination after Pediatric Liver Transplantation
Sponsor: NA
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAT0750
Contact: Transplant Clinical Research Center: /
Additional Study Information: In this study, we will collect information from the medical record of pediatric liver transplant recipients who received live vaccines as part of their routine post-transplant care. This data will be combined with data from other centers across the United States and Canada to help give us a better understanding of the safety and efficacy of live vaccines in the patient population. Vaccine-preventable illness continues to have resurgence in the United States and globally. Specifically, mumps and measles outbreaks have occurred with increasing frequency and distribution in the past several years. Pediatric solid organ transplant recipients are at increased risk for infection. Liver transplant recipients may be at increased risk as up to 25% are transplanted prior to 1 year of age and did not receive a primary vaccination series. Live-viral vaccination was previously not recommended after pediatric solid organ transplantation due to continued immunosuppression and limited data on the risk of side effects. However, there is new data to suggest that live vaccines can be safe and efficacious in certain transplant recipients. If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact the Transplant Clinical Research Center (TCRC).
Steven Lobritto, MD
Do You Qualify?
Is your child less than 18 years old? Yes No
Did your child receive a liver transplant more than one year ago? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Transplant Clinical Research Center