Friendship Study - Shared Reality & SER
Friendship Study
Sponsor: Social Science Research Council
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAU8571
Contact: Jo He: 310-463-3933 /
Additional Study Information: We are interested in understanding how conversations work in friendships. To participate: (1) Nominate yourself and a gender-matched friend (known them for 1 year or less) in our Eligibility Survey (~2 min). Access the survey by pasting the following URL in your browser: (2) Complete a Baseline Survey at your own time (~15 min). (3) Come in for a lab session in Schermerhorn Hall at Columbia University (~1 hr). Get paid $30 as a pair upon completion of the study!
Kevin Ochsner, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Do you have any friends whom you know for 1 year or less? Yes No
Is this friend the same gender as you? Yes No
Did you fill out the survey at the following link? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

Place Holder

For more information, please contact:
Jo He