Automated Clinic Blood Pressure Assessment and Detection of White Coat and Masked Hypertension Study
Detect Blood Pressure (BP) Study
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 8 Days
Clinic Visits: 2
IRB Number: AAAV2113
Contact: Detect BP Coordinator: (347) 501-0533 /
Additional Study Information: The Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health (CBCH) is conducting a research study to examine the impacts on blood pressure when it is measured with and without someone in the room with you. Two-part screening to determine eligibility for this study involves a) answering questionnaires and b) measuring your arm circumference. Participation in the research study involves 1-2 study visits, wearing a wrist activity monitoring device for 8 days, wearing a blood pressure measurement device for 24 hours and taking your blood pressure 4 times a day for 7 days, receiving daily text messages and completing questionnaires. Participants will be randomized into of the two arms while completing this research study, to determine the order in which their blood pressure is measured. Inclusion criteria includes the following: English and Spanish-speaking adults, age 18 or older. Enrolled subjects who complete all research activity are eligible for up to $215 in compensation. All payments are provided via a TruCentive e-gift card. The link to review the screening consent form and complete the screening questionnaire is:
Marwah Abdalla, MD
Do You Qualify?
Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes No
For females, are you currently pregnant or have plans to get pregnant in the next 8 weeks? Yes No
Do you have kidney failure requiring dialysis? Or have you been diagnosed with end stage renal disease? Yes No
Have you ever been diagnosed with swelling of the upper arm (lymphedema)? Yes No
Do you have a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Detect BP Coordinator
(347) 501-0533