Human Models of Primary Hyperinsulinemia: Graded Insulin Suppression Test (GIST) Pilot & Feasibility Study
Sponsor: |
Dr. Joshua Cook |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
2 Days |
Clinic Visits: |
2 |
IRB Number: |
AAAV2481 |
Contact: |
Zachary Sone: / |
We are conducting a research study on how insulin controls blood sugar in both healthy people and those at risk of type 2 diabetes. We are seeking adult volunteers, aged 18-65, who have body mass indices either in the lean range (18-25 kg/m2) or in the obesity range (30-45 kg/m2) but who do not have prediabetes or diabetes. Participants will undergo a graded insulin suppression test (GIST) procedure in which we temporarily shut off the body's production of the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin with an intravenous (into the vein) medication so that we can vary insulin levels over about 5 hours. The goal is to see how different doses of insulin affects blood sugar. Participants will attend a screening visit and, if eligible for participation, a study visit of up to 7-8 hours. At both visits, blood samples will be drawn to measure the levels of sugar, fats, and other molecules. Those completing the study will be compensated with a stipend (salary) of $350, plus additional reimbursement for certain travel expenses.
Joshua Cook, MD, PhD
Is your body mass index between 18-25 (lean range) or 30-45 (obesity range)? |
Yes |
No |
Have you ever been diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes? |
Yes |
No |
Will you be able to attend 2 visits (one of 1-2 hours, one of 7-8 hours) starting at 8:00 AM? |
Yes |
No |
Are you okay with receiving medications through veins and having your blood drawn? |
Yes |
No |
Are you pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to get pregnant? |
Yes |
No |