Use of alpha-frequency deep transcranial interference stimulation (tIS) to understand and modify temporal dynamics of face emotion recognition and social/affective function
Exploring Brain Stimulation for Emotion and Social Processing
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
Study Length: 14 Days
Clinic Visits: 7
IRB Number: AAAV1631
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT06607432
Contact: Yadi Chen: 929-399-8693 /
Additional Study Information: The Division of Experimental Therapeutics in conducting a research study to explore how an experimental procedure, known as transcranial interference stimulation (tIS), affects the brain's ability to process visual information, including recognizing faces. The procedures in this study include 1) interviews, 2) behavioral tests of your ability to detect and interpret visual stimuli, 3) "brain wave" recordings or electroencephalogram, 4) a non-invasive brain stimulation technique termed transcranial interference stimulation, and 5) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). You will also have an electrocardiogram and medical examination to evaluate your general health. You will be compensated for your time.
Daniel Javitt, MD, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Are you 18-55 years old? Yes No
Are you in good general health? Yes No
Are you able to get a letter from your doctor confirming your general good health? Yes No
Are you able to visit Columbia University about seven times over a 2 to 4-week period? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Yadi Chen