The SCOUT Study - Early Feasibility of the Mitralign Percutaneous Tricuspid Valve Annuloplasty System (PTVAS) for Symptomatic Chronic Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation
A study for patients who have a leakage of blood within the tricuspid valve located on the right side of the heart
Sponsor: Mitralign Inc.
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAQ1711
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02574650
Contact: Lauren Privitera: 212-342-3488 /
Additional Study Information: This study is for patients who suffer from a leakage of blood within on of the valves of the heart. The leakage of blood is also called regurgitation. The valve that is leaking is called the tricuspid valve and it is located within the right side of the heart. This condition is referred to as functional tricuspid regurgitation (FTR). The treatment of FTR depends on how severe it is and the general condition of the heart. Some types of tricuspid regurgitation may be treated with different categories of medication while others may require openheart surgery.The purpose of this study is to see the effectiveness of a new tricuspid valve repair device which will be inserted in the blood vessels through the neck to deliver threads to allow doctors to tighten the valve so it doesn't leak as much. Implanting this device does not require open-heart surgery.
This study is closed
Rebecca Hahn, MD
Do You Qualify?
Do you have chronic functional tricuspid regurgitation (FTR)? Yes No
Do you have a diuretic regimen ? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Lauren Privitera