Vilazodone for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Adults
Sponsor: |
Forest Labs |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
12 Weeks |
Clinic Visits: |
8 |
IRB Number: |
6856 |
U.S. Govt. ID: |
NCT01999920 |
Contact: |
Danielle Moskow: 646-774-8113 / |
Do you constantly worry about your loved ones? Concerned about being separated from someone you care about? Experience excessive stress when anticipating separation from attachment figures or home? Find it hard to travel or sleep apart from those you are close to? Worry about harm to people you are close to? Avoid being alone? Concerned you may be too clingy? Are these symptoms interfering with your life? If you constantly worry about loved ones and find yourself depending on important people in your life too much, you may be eligible to participate in a research study of medication for treatment of an anxiety disorder. All information will be kept strictly confidential. For your time, you will receive a total of $300, paid in installments at the end of each visit to our clinic (8 visits, total).
This study is closed
Franklin Schneier, MD
Do you constantly worry about loved ones? |
Yes |
No |
Do you worry about harm coming to someone close to you? |
Yes |
No |
Are you currently taking psychiatric medication? |
Yes |
No |
Are you concerned you may be too clingy? |
Yes |
No |
Do you have any chronic medical conditions? |
Yes |
No |