INTELLANCE 2: ABT-414 alone or ABT-414 plus temozolomide versus lomustine or temozolomide for recurrent glioblastoma: a randomized phase II study of the EORTC Brain Tumor Group
A study patients with recurrent glioblastoma using study drug ABT-414
Sponsor: AbbVie
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAQ7410
U.S. Govt. ID: NCT02343406
Contact: Ryan Shelton: 212-304-5485 /
Additional Study Information: The purpose of this study is to test whether the new drug, ABT-414, given either alone or with a drug called temozolomide, which is commonly used to treat brain tumors like yours, gives a better outcome than the standard therapy and is safe. The standard therapy can be one of two different regimens, either a drug called lomustine or temozolomide.
This study is closed
Yazmin Odia, MD
Do You Qualify?
Have you been diagnosed with glioblastoma? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Ryan Shelton