A Prospective Natural History Study in Uveal Melanoma
A Prospective Natural History Study in Uveal Melanoma
Sponsor: Immunocore
Enrolling: Male and Female Patients
IRB Number: AAAR5976
Contact: Research Nurse Navigator: 212-342-5162 / cancerclinicaltrials@cumc.columbia.edu
Additional Study Information: This study will develop a data registry of patients diagnosed with uveal melanoma (UM). This registry will provide data that will be used to support the development of novel therapies for this disease. In this study, we are focused on trying to better understand how uveal melanoma behaves and how it is treated at different medical centers around the country.
This study is closed
Mariam El-Ashmawy, MD, PhD
Do You Qualify?
Have you been diagnosed with uveal melanoma (UM)? Yes No
Are you able to provide written informed consent for participation in this prospective registry? Yes No
You may be eligible for this study

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For more information, please contact:
Research Nurse Navigator