Exploring Childhood Irritability and Mood
Sponsor: |
NA |
Enrolling: |
Male and Female Patients |
Study Length: |
12 Months |
Clinic Visits: |
2 |
IRB Number: |
7761 |
Contact: |
Kira Alqueza: 646-774-7834 / kira.alqueza@nyspi.columbia.edu |
We are seeking children ages 7 - 12 to participate in a research study on irritability. The study consists of two lab visits. During the first lab visit, we will interview you and your child. During the second lab visit, your child will complete 3 tasks on the computer while electroencephalography (EEG) data are collected. We will also ask you to complete two short surveys 6-months and 12-months from the first lab visit. If your child participates, your family may be compensated up to $120.
This study is closed
David Pagliaccio, PhD
Is your child 7-12 years of age? |
Yes |
No |
Is your child right-handed? |
Yes |
No |