Evaluating HMGA2 as a Diagnostic Marker for the Presence of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Sponsor: |
Enrolling: |
Female Patients Only |
IRB Number: |
AAAE9305 |
Contact: |
Jeanine Marie D'Armiento: / jmd12@cumc.columbia.edu |
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung disease primarily affecting young women. Currently, LAM is often diagnosed in patients with radiology imaging (CTs) and/or lung biopsies; however, these methods can be imprecise, invasive, and/or can carry significant risks. The current study aims to devise a less invasive tool for diagnosis of this rare pulmonary disease. We are asking you to participate in a research study to determine whether different levels of a protein called HMGA2 among groups of people who have LAM and those who do not have LAM correlate with the occurrence and severity of LAM disease. It is hoped that levels of HMGA2 in the blood could be used as a diagnostic marker for LAM. Additionally, we will perform an analysis of your cells to better understand why LAM cells progress. If you agree to participate in this study and are either a LAM patient, patient with other interstitial lung disease (a group of disorders that cause progressive scarring of lung tissue), or a patient without lung disease and healthy lung function, we will collect some medical history information about you, ask you to complete a family and medical history questionnaire, and draw a small amount of blood. There is no compensation for volunteering to participate.
Jeanine Marie D'Armiento, MD
Are you at least 18 years old? |
Yes |
No |
Are you pregnant? |
Yes |
No |
Have you had recent chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy? |
Yes |
No |
Within the last month, have you had a lung infection? |
Yes |
No |