Condition | Study Title | Investigator |
Psychiatric Disorders | Social Media, Brain Processing, and Cortisol in Teen Suicide | Randy Auerbach, PhD |
Psychiatric Disorders | Studies of Behavior and Cognition (Participants with Schizophrenia) | Kiyohito Iigaya, PhD |
Depression | Study of Women After Menopause who are Taking Medication and/or Receiving Counseling/Therapy for Depression | Marcella Walker, MD |
Depression | The Mindful Brain Project in Teens | Randy Auerbach, PhD |
Depression | Study Investigating a Treatment for Depression in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) | Joshua Berman, MD, PhD |
Anxiety | Study for Youth with Spider Phobia | Kate Fitzgerald, MD |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Study for Children with Excessive Worries and Fears | Rachel Marsh, PhD |
Schizophrenia | Study to test how brain circuits may cause auditory hallucinations | Guillermo Horga, MD, PhD |